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This is a list of the current projects under my responsability that have been financed by Mexican Institutions above:

Title of the project: Estudio Teórico de Estructura Electrónica de closo-carboranos y Reactividad de 1,2-deshidro-  


Funding Institution: Subsecretaría de Educación Superior, PROMEP-SEP.

                                       From September 2013 to August 2014.


Title of the project: Reactividad del [IrTpMs’’(N2)] frente a Compuestos de Tipo [AlClXR]: En la Búsqueda de     

                                      Especies Conteniendo Enlaces Ir-Al

Funding Institution: DAIP-UGTO.

                                       From January to December 2014.


Title of the project: Theoretical Study of Pericyclic Reactions between Fischer-type Carbenes and Iminoboranes

Funding Institution: CONACyT – FONDO CIENCIA BASICA.

                                      From January 2015 to December 2017.

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